核桃市議員候選人趙宏博士(Diana Zhao)在今晚參加了社區餐飲企業舉辦的夜市活動,以表達她對餐飲企業的支持,活動中她與業者進行了深入愉快的交談,她說:我剛剛在原野夜市度過了一段難以置信的美好時光!隨着夜幕的降臨,熱鬧的氣氛充滿了活力,展現了社區的持久精神。這次活動不僅僅是購物;它是一種沉浸式的體驗,充滿了文化、美食和令人驚歎的人們。我迫不及待地期待下一次。
Support Local Small Business
Just had an incredible time at the Night Market over Native Fields! As the night deepened, the vibrant atmosphere buzzed with energy, showcasing the community's enduring spirit. This event wasn't just about shopping; it was an immersive experience filled with culture, delicious food, and amazing people. Can't wait for the next one